Wednesday, August 03, 2005

KRT Wire | 08/03/2005 | China's newly rich gain anxiety along with wealth

KRT Wire | 08/03/2005 | China's newly rich gain anxiety along with wealth:
snip snip>
"The nouveau riche are torn between old values of spending on family or charity and spending on themselves. The new economy is putting stress on centuries-old support systems. People are moving far from their families for jobs, or spending too much time at the office. Women can now make more money than men, creating friction in traditional sex roles. Extramarital affairs are rampant, experts say.

Earlier this year, two Chinese billionaires committed suicide, and last year, a university student carried out a Columbine-style attack on four classmates. 'Is this the price China has to pay for its unprecedented development?' an opinion writer asked in a recent edition of China Daily."

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