Friday, September 09, 2005

How are charities spending their money? | eGov monitor

How are charities spending their money? | eGov monitor: "How are charities spending their money?
Source: Charity Commission
Published Friday, 9 September, 2005 - 13:59
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In a bid to promote greater transparency and accountability, people visiting the Charity Commission’s website can now view the accounts of 35,000 charities online. This is the latest in a series of improvements to the Charity Commission’s website and part of a programme to upgrade the services offered to the Commission’s charity stakeholders and members of the public.The online accounts are scanned images and are reproduced in PDF format.

This development reflects the Commission's objective to improve the public information available on charities, following the recommendations of the 2002 Strategy Unit report. Another element of this is the new summary information return, which charities with annual incomes of over �1 million will complete for the first time as part of this year’s annual return.

Users accessing the accounts on our website should be aware of a few health warnings:"

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