Monday, December 19, 2005

Charity isn't free; know how to make yours work best - - - December 18, 2005

Charity isn't free; know how to make yours work best - - - December 18, 2005: "Charity isn't free; know how to make yours work best

Whether your seasonal giving is based in the Jewish principle of Tzdakkah, a Christian or Muslim belief in charity, humanitarian philosophy, or response to colleagues' requests to donate to their favorite group, it is likely that most readers will join the 89 percent of all North Americans who contribute to nonprofit or faith-based organizations each year. Philanthropy means 'love of humanity.' We give because we recognize that we are responsible for each other and for the condition of our world. And — giving feels good.

Your mailbox is flooded with letters, appealing photos of children, animals and land that can only be saved with your contribution today. So how do you decide which groups to support? The big national organizations? The ones you know personally? The ones that pressure you?"

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