Thursday, January 26, 2006 - Restricted funds to offset deficit

AFP Quote - Restricted funds to offset deficit:
snip snip>>

"Certain endowments cover certain costs, but you can't just use endowments to cover certain deficits,' Reichenbach said. 'You cannot say, 'Oh, I have a hole here' and plug it with endowment. That is not possible. You look at what causes the deficit and if that is something that alumni would find attractive to support.'

Executive Vice President for the Association of Fundraising Professionals Walter Sczudlo said he agrees that securing the trust of the donors should be a university's priority over filling gaps in its budget.

'While it can be frustrating to the stewards of contributed funds to see areas of need not being met while at the same time there are surpluses in other revenue centers, if the organization wants to maintain donor trust, which is critical, they must respect donor intent,' he said."

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