Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/06/2007 | Don't tar with the same brush

Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/06/2007 | Don't tar with the same brush:
"Integrity may be the most important characteristic an organization possesses. It may even be at a higher premium in a nonprofit organization, where public trust is so intertwined.

The entire nonprofit sector received a body blow recently when it was reported that the former president of the Independence Seaport Museum had been accused of defrauding the organization of $2.4 million to support his extravagant lifestyle. By exposing that one suspected bad apple, every one of the nearly 22,000 nonprofits in the Philadelphia region got tainted.

The overwhelming majority of nonprofits locally and nationally are trustworthy organizations working hard, often under adverse conditions for far less remuneration than they are worth,"

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