Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Solicitations That Challenge | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog

Solicitations That Challenge | eJewish Philanthropy: The Jewish Philanthropy Blog: "am often asked how do non-profit organizations set up endowment funds and solicit donors for bequests. Although the two are not necessarily related frequently donors connect setting up an endowment with their passing on. Often endowment funds are set up when organizations or donors want to arrange to use the earned interest and not the principal of a contribution. Committed donors bequeath funds to organizations and sometimes stipulate the funds should be invested and the interest should be used either for the annual budget or for a specific program in the agency. When the donors make a request for the funds to be invested and for the interest to be used by the non-profit then the agency has to set up a vehicle to handle the funds; this is the endowment fund."

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