Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Guest: Proposed panhandling ordinance could hurt Dance Marathon - The Daily Iowan

Guest: Proposed panhandling ordinance could hurt Dance Marathon - The Daily Iowan: "On a full night, we allow up to 15 teams of two participants each to raise funds. In years past the organization has raised upwards of $30,000 from donations downtown. This fundraising opportunity allows students of any socioeconomic status to raise funds for pediatric oncology and continue participation in an educationally beneficial activity during late-night weekend hours.

The new ordinance would greatly decrease the number of participants able to raise funds in this manner. This ordinance would restrict us from having 15 teams — 30 students — to approximately five teams — 10 students — per night. This has the potential to greatly reduce the individual fundraising amounts these participants are able to bring in on a given night, limiting their participation and potentially limiting their experience within the organization."

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