Thursday, November 01, 2012

Palm Springs Charities - The deaths of longtime desert philanthropists in the past few years highlight the need for the next generation to carry the selfless torch into the future.

Palm Springs Charities - The deaths of longtime desert philanthropists in the past few years highlight the need for the next generation to carry the selfless torch into the future.: Finding and developing a new generation of philanthripists can be challenging for nonprofit organizations.

“Cultivating the next generation of givers — millennials/Gen Yers, Gen Xers, or even baby boomers — generally requires an understanding of social dynamics and contemporary communication preferences,” says Greg Murphy, fund development director for Gilda’s Club Desert Cities. “Although one doesn’t necessarily need an app to reach them, you do need a point of engagement that conveys your mission in an appealing and direct way, whether virtually through a website or through actual interaction. Once engaged, the easier it will be for a prospective donor to act on a charitable impulse.”

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